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Class 12 chemistry Important Topic

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Welcome to EliteNotes, the one-stop destination for high-quality study materials and Exam preparation resources. We understand that students need a reliable and accessible platform to access study materials for various subjects, and that's why we have designed this website to cater to the specific needs of students preparing for exams and those who need Notes. 

 In this blog, we will provide you with chemistry question models for the class 12 exam. Our study materials are carefully curated to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject and help you excel in your exams. 

Name reactions:

  1. Claisen Condensation orary
  2. Aldol condensation reaction
  3. Cannizaro's reaction
  4. Perkins condensation TOrar
  5. Benzoin condensation
  6. Carbylamine reaction
  7. Reimer Tiemann repction
  8. Coupling reaction( preparation of azo dyes)
  9. Diazotization reaction
  10. Friedel- Craft's reaction
  11. Hoffmann's Bromamide reaction( Decarbonylation reaction)
  12. Esterification reaction
  13. Carbonylation reaction (Oxo process)
  14. Williamsan's etherification reaction


  1. Why is chloroform stored in a dark bottle containing ethanol?
  2. Why does chloroform not give white ppt. with aqAgNO37
  3. Why is nucleophilic substitution reaction difficailt in haloarene?
  4. Why is boiling point of ethanol greater than thatpf ethoxy ethane?
  5. Why is phenol more acidic than aliphatie aleobol?
  6. Why does nitrobenzene undergoes eleetrophilic substitution reaction at meta position? ( Explain why-NO2 group is meta directing towards electrophilic aromati substitution)
  7. Why is chlorobenzene dlp-directing towards electrophilic substitution reaction? It is dangerous to boila sample of ether stored for a long time, give reason.
  8. Ether is stored in a bottle containing iron wire, why?
  9. Give a suitable test to distinguish ethanamine from N-methyl methanamine.
  10. Write a chemical test to distinguish ethanoic acid(acetic acid) from methanoic acid(formic acid).
  11. Why is chloroacetic acid stronger acid than acetic acid? 
  12. Why is formic acid stronger acid than acetic acid? 
  13. Why amino group of aniline is protected before nitration? (Aniline can not be nitrated directly, why?)

What hapPpens when:

  1. Sodium benzoate is heated with sodalime
  2. Phenol is heated with zinc dust
  3. Chlorobenzene is treated with ehloral.
  4. Ethyl alcohol(ethanol) is treated with acetic acid(ethanoic acid
  5. Phenol is treaded with aqBr2.
  6. Aniline is treated with aq. Br2.
  7. Phenol is treated with benzene diazonium chloride.
  8. Ethoxy ethane is treated with excess HI.
  9. Methanal(formaldehyde) is treated with ammonia.
  10. Methanal / benzaldehyde is treated with NaOH.
  11. Ethanal/propanone is treated with NaOH.
  12. Aldehyde/ketone is treated with hydroxyl amine.
  13. Ethanol is heated with conc. H2S04.
  14. Acetic acid is treated with P205.


Extraction of:

  1. (Blister) copper from copper pyrites.
  2. Steel (Mainly Open Hearth process)
  3. Iron from iron pyrites.
  4. Zinc from zinc blend ( sulphide ore)
  5. Mercury from cinnabar (Hg5) ore. Chemistry of
    1.Blue vitriol ( CuS04.5H20)
    2.White vitriol ( ZnS04. 7H20
    3.Zinc white (Zno) 4. Calomel (Hg2CI2)
    4.Corrosive sublimate Hgei2) 
  6. Explain the crystal field theory for octahedral complex.
  7. Explain the reason for color of transition metal compounds.
  8. Copper metal becomes black/green when exposed to air for long time, why?
  9. What happens when copper is treated with conc. HNO3?
  10. What is the effect of heat on blue vitriol?
  11. What is Rinman's green? How it is prepared? Write its one important use.
  12. Write molecular formula of Philosopher's wool. How it is prepared7
  13. What is Nessler's reagent? How is it prepared? Give its one use.
  14. What is the composition of stainless steel? Write its one use.
  15. Distinguish between quenching and tempering of steel.
  16. Rusting (corrosion) of iron and methods of prevention.

Some Questions:

  1. What are primary standard substances?
  2. What are the requisites for a substance to be primary standard?
  3. Define molarity and normality. Write their relationship.
  4. Predict whether the aqueous solution of CuSO4/CaCI2/Na2cb3/NaClis acidic basic or neutral.Give reason.
  5. State Ostwald's dilution law. What is the limitation of this law?
  6. Define pH and pOH. Write their relation.
  7. Define the terms:
    1. Electro chemical equivalent (ECE).
    2. Standard electrode potential.
    3. Electro-chemical series and its appp;ications
  8. Mention one important application of standard hydrogen electrode giving example.
  9. State first law of thermodyoamics and point out its limitation.
  10. Define enthalpy of combustion and enthalpy of formation.
  11. Draw energy profile diagram for exothermic and endothermic reactions.
  12. Draw energy profile diagram for catalyzed and uncatalyzed reactions.( How does catalyst increases he rate of reaction?)
  13. State second law of thermodynamics.Explain this law on the basis of entropy change.
  14. What is meant by effective collision of reacting species?
  15. What are the essential conditions for the effective colision of reacting species?
  16. Find the unit of rate constant of: zero, first, second and third order reaction. Reaction of Grignard reagent with water, aldehydes and ketones, Co2 HCN RCN, Ester and acid chlorides.
  17. Stages in paper production
  18. Difference between OPC and PPC cement.
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